Sunday, July 17, 2011

Astral beauty queen

Shooting stars and dreams longing forever after even when the smiles fade and embraces linger empty we will paint a facade a myriad of expressions to quell the numb feeling after years of neglect lipsticked grins and mascara tears wearing a heavy crown amidst a waft of wilting flowers.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

flor de mi secreto

we're standing here at arms length
pinky fingers entwined
staring at the aftermath
of years of broken childhood dreams
and teenage confusion
pushed under a rug
pushed deep deep down
beneath the soil
where we tried to plant flowers
to cover up the rocky uneven landscapes
of our lives
wildflowers and weeds sprung forth
from the packets of daisy and sunflower seeds
somehow morphing into nightmares from dreams
we live in chaotic secret gardens
within these walls
we are safe with our vulnerabilites
nursing our wounds with aloe
and water from the angel statuary fountain